You Become a "Do-er"
While most of the other classes on campus involve listening or observing, band teaches you to do. You learn how to perform, be flexible, and how to communicate and cooperate with other across groups.

You Brain Grows!
Learning music helps develop the areas of the brain involved in language and reasoning, but it also teaches students how to think creatively and solve problems. Studies also show a link between music and spatial intelligence, which is vital for solving all types of things—from mathematics to how to efficiently pack up a moving van. It’s no wonder that students who study the arts are more successful on standardized tests and also achieve higher grades.

Music Gives You Everything
Music is a Science
Music is Mathematical
Music is a foreign Language
Music is History
Music is Physical Education
Music Develops Insight
Music Demands Research
Music is Art!

You make 60+ new friends INSTANTLY!
Band students become a family and create friendships that last a lifetime. The act of making music together forges strong friendships!

Throughout your time in band, you will be offered many opportunities to travel around the state, region and possibly the country!

Musical Opportunities
During your time in band, there will be performance opportunities in a full ensemble, a small ensemble, and other musicians in the state, country, and world!

Band is for EVERYONE regardless of culture, gender, level of skill, or financial situation!
What Kind Of Courses Do You Have?Fall Semester: -Marching/Concert Band *Full Year -Percussion Ensemble *Full Year -Concert Band *Full Year -Colorguard *Fall Semester Only Spring Semester -Concert Band *Full Year -Percussion Ensemble *Full Year Full-year ensemble classes offer many advantages for students interested in music and performance such as skill development, ensemble dynamics, performance opportunities, musical growth, personalized instruction, long-term commitment, social connection, and creating a lifelong love of music.
Am I Able To Earn Honors Credit In Band?Yes! Just like the other courses Croatan has to offer, there is an opportunity for band students to earn honors credit by fulfilling various requirements such as preparing solos and auditioning for various outside of Croatan ensembles such as district band, district jazz, and participating in the solo and ensemble festival.
Can You Do Band and ____?YES!! Band students can easily pursue other activities and academic interests while participating in band. We have had students participate in band and just about every activity at CHS. Consideration must be taken about the communication between all parties - parents, students, coaches, and directors AND the student's willingness and ability to manage time and multiple responsibilities. Success in multiple activities is determined almost entirely by the student's time management skills and the good news is that many students in our band have found this success. IT.IS.POSSIBLE!
What Is The Time Commitment Like?Band students learn how to manage their time to be successful in the classroom and during band. Many students in the band are at or near the top of their class. Students will need to practice individually on their own, outside of school for them to grow as musicians and as members of an ensemble. The marching band rehearses on Fridays before a home game. The Wind Ensemble rehearses once or twice after school a day or two before a concert so we can implement percussion into the music. Dates for the whole year including concerts, home games, and parades are sent home to parents at the very beginning of the year for planning to take place.
Does Band Cost Money?Yes, it does. There is a yearly $65 fair share expense. These funds cover expenses such as music, instruments and repair, and daily classroom needs for a band program to run. These fees are very manageable due to the multiple fundraisers the students can do throughout the year. There are also scholarship opportunities for students to apply for. Money should never be a reason not to do something you love!
How Can Parents Participate?Parents can be involved in the high school band in various ways: Volunteer as chaperones: Parents can volunteer to chaperone band trips, competitions, and performances. This involves supervising students, assisting with logistics, and ensuring everyone stays safe during travel. Assist with fundraising: Parents can help organize fundraising events to support the band program. This may include coordinating bake sales, car washes, or selling merchandise to raise money for instruments, uniforms, and travel expenses. Provide transportation: Parents can offer to provide transportation for students to and from rehearsals, performances, and events. This is especially helpful for students who may not have access to reliable transportation otherwise. Help with equipment: Parents with technical skills or experience with musical instruments can volunteer to assist with equipment maintenance, repair, and setup. This ensures that instruments are in good condition and ready for performance. Attend performances: Simply attending band concerts, halftime shows, and other performances shows support for the students and the program. It also allows parents to connect with other band families and share in the excitement of seeing their children perform. Join the Booster Organization: Our band booster's mission is to support the program through fundraising, event planning, and advocacy. Parents can join the organization and take on leadership roles to help coordinate efforts and support the band program. Offer expertise: Parents with specific skills or expertise in areas such as marketing, event planning, or finance can offer their knowledge to support the band program. This might involve helping with promotional efforts, coordinating logistics for events,, taking pictures, or managing finances for fundraising activities.